The Old West Downs Society

The OWD Society Committee

The Committee of the Old West Downs Society used to be appointed on an annual basis at its AGM on the morning of Founder’s Day, held each June at West Downs itself. We made an attempt to carry this on after the School had closed, by combining the AGM with a Dinner or Lunch to which all OWDs were invited. At the Dinner in 1992 it was agreed that the Committee as it was then should stand, including of course the two younger members that had been elected at that meeting. The names of the Committee Members are sent out every two years with the Dinner invitations, and anyone who wants to raise a point at a committee meeting, or to become a member of the Committee, is welcome to contact the Secretary and arrange to attend the next meeting if practicable.

Meetings of the Committee are held roughly once a year at a Pub called “The Old Cock” in Fleet Street, at 12 or 12:30 for 1 pm. These meetings are not normally subsidised by the Society. There is not a fixed date or season for Committee Meetings, except as dictated by the pressure of other events.

There are some gaps in the years covered by members. Apart from Staff members, we no longer have anybody whose years at WD were pre-1935, though there are quite a few such members still. Nobody dates from the period 1957-70, and there is nobody from the final years of the school, 1980-88.

Nick Hodson, Secretary